
Genes and Cancer

Cancer, a formidable adversary, can drastically affect the quality of life or even lead to its end. It's well-established that certain cancers, including breast, colorectal, ovarian, prostate, pancreatic, and endometrial cancers, may have a hereditary component. In these cases, a familial connection to cancer becomes more evident. Individuals with inherited mutations in well-recognized hereditary cancer genes face a significantly elevated risk of developing specific types of cancer.


“Unleashing Hope, Understanding Genes: Together, We Win Over Cancer.”

“Unleashing Hope, Understanding Genes: Together, We Win Over Cancer.”

Genes and Cancer

Cancer, a formidable adversary, can drastically affect the quality of life or even lead to its end. It's well-established that certain cancers, including breast, colorectal, ovarian, prostate, pancreatic, and endometrial cancers, may have a hereditary component. In these cases, a familial connection to cancer becomes more evident. Individuals with inherited mutations in well-recognized hereditary cancer genes face a significantly elevated risk of developing specific types of cancer.


MyDNA Onco Geneguard

MyDNA Onco Geneguard genetic test goes beyond the surface, delving into your unique genetic makeup to assess your predisposition to over 15 cancers. By examining physiological traits associated with cancer triggers and lifestyle factors like addiction that contribute to cancer risk, it provides a comprehensive understanding of your individual risk profile. With MyDNA OncoGenguard, you gain the valuable advantage of early detection and informed decision-making.

Why choose MyDNA Onco Genguard?

  • Gain the advantage of early detection through comprehensive genetic screening.
  • Identify potential risks and vulnerabilities to various types of cancers.
  • Receive insights to tailor your lifestyle choices for better cancer prevention.
  • Make informed decisions that contribute to overall family well-being.
  • Uncover genetic insights into hereditary cancer risks and inheritance patterns.

Who Should take MyDNA Onco Geneguard ?

  • Individuals with a family history of cancer, particularly cases diagnosed younger than age 50.
  • Families with more than one close family member diagnosed with either the same type of cancer or related cancers (e.g., breast and ovarian, melanoma, and pancreatic).
  • Families with multiple generations affected by the same type of cancer or related cancers.
  • Individuals with a history of addiction to nicotine or alcohol.
  • Individuals planning for family health.
  • Anyone seeking proactive health management.

How it works?

Order a Kit

Gather saliva samples.Make sure the cap is securely fastened

Document the sample And Reach us @ 040-49583100 to collect your samples

Lab Processing & Data Analysis

Report Generation

Login in your account or check your email

Schedule your Genetic Counselling

References :
  1. Aizuddin AN, Ramdzan AR, Syed Omar SA, Mahmud Z, Latiff ZA, Amat S, Teik KW, Siew CG, Rais H, Aljunid SM. Genetic Testing for Cancer Risk: Is the Community Willing to Pay for It? Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Aug 19;18(16):8752.

MyDNA Onco Geneguard


A proactive approach to cancer prevention by identifying predispositions and facilitating early detection of 15+ cancer types and their causative traits.

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